Running a little late, but happily playing catch up – Week 3 of the lightroom course. This week we have been learning about a variety of tools in the develop section of lightroom. The terminology is beyond my photographic knowledge, but this doesn’t matter because it is a visual course. As the course is taught through video you can see how images are transformed using the different tools This weeks course covers: How to use the lens correction panel to counteract lens related problems such as converging verticals, vignetted edges and chromatic aberration. How the detail panel helps us to sharpen our shots and remove nasty noise. Use the black and white panel to lighten or darken particular parts of a monochrome conversion and use the effects panel to add character building artefacts such as vignettes and grain. Use the adjustment brush to make selected adjustments. Show how to split tone and monoconversion to change atmosphere, use the hsl panel to create target and a suit of colours to create a retro filming look. I thought I would share with you images for my assignment. This week we were provided with images to practice on. So the assignment is to […]
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